Wednesday, July 21, 2010

GOD 'i' God

"Group of Disbelievers 'i'n God, a group of atheists!!”

Atheism is a religion which has its own set of principles, mythology, a deity to worship, a shrine to visit and prayers to recite. Taking leaves from the books of the theists, atheists have also designed and developed their religion with all the necessities to compete and counter the theism. The epitome of the philosophy is stated here, the philosophy of atheism dates back to 5th century BCE and I audaciously name my first atheist as “Philosopher Diagoras”, and I am aware that the theists cannot name any one. “The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin and “The Theory of Relativity” by Albert Einstein are considered the holy books and few epics to supplement of various thinkers and philosophers all around the world. The modern day masters like Karl Marx, E. V. Ramasami Naicker and Friedrich Nietzsche etc helped the religion to spread around the world.

As theists go by the philosophy that God protects, helps and takes care of them, atheists also had found out a deity that takes care and protects them. It’s nothing but ‘a boot’, ‘a shoe.’ Among all the things that protect atheists, shoes are the best. They protect one’s feet from the wetness and the path of truth can be found only in the footwear that was capable of keeping one’s feet dry. They keep you active and abide by you to continue your journey and follow a path unharmed by stones, bushes, thorns, reptiles and what not.Like the different religions, there are shoes made of different materials, types, which are durable for different terrain, climatic conditions etc, but the almighty is one.

One may annoy regarding, “How do you start on the path of the shoe?” It’s pretty simple, “You start one foot at time!” That should continue, one after the other to walk along the path of the truth and reach the destiny, which is eternal. The destiny is the reason for you being in this world. It’s the real meaning of life. So, trust the boot and lead a happy life, even they would come with you after your death, so that you can continue worshipping your deity after life. The CERN laboratory at Geneva is regarded as the holy shrine and every atheist must visit it once in his/her life time.

If you face any hurdles or harm yourself, shop for a different boot, that the ritual to be followed. The boots vary from the terrain and your requirement, so be cautious enough to take a note of it. It tests your patience at times, like any other deity. The prayer to follow twice a day, both at dawn and dusk is prescribed below.

I am an atheist as,
I am rebellious and I want to take the road less traveled.
I will not pray to God.
I will study about out my heritage and mythology as a disbeliever.
I would love all the people, atheists and theists alike.
I trust myself more than God
I don’t believe in God and I am not alone.
I will just think of him whenever anything happens around me.
I shall preach about atheism as dictated by my masters and
I shall visit CERN at least once before I die.

Needless to say, this is my small attempt to make the people relax and laugh. Forgive me if I had hurt any of the sentiments of yours in this process. I am sorry if it’s ridiculous.

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