Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Views on Religion and God - II

Straight after the introduction in my previous blog, here I go deep into my own way of reasoning. Let me mention few questons that had bothered me ever since I started thinking on these lines, starting with the first that I had already mentioned in my previous blog.

[1] Why didn't the God had the highly reverred virtue of Fogiveness?

[2] If, there is an almighty, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent God, who created the earth or world, why did he create it? This world full of woes and miseries,a combination of number-less tragedies, Not a single soul being perfectly satisfied.

[3]Why did he create humans like Hitler, Saddam, Chengis Khan, Osama and all who committed genocides, when he had the power not to do so and not many like Mother Therresa, Gandhi etc?

[4] Why doesnt a God stop a man commiting a crime?

The questions like these crop up one after another making me find out a possible reason. Any man who has got some reasoning power at his command always tries to reason out his environments. Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. So, here is what I found after few days of deep thought, starting with my idea of the birth and growth of the faith in the exixtence of a supernatural being above the human race that was presumed to have created the world.

When our ancestors had leisure enough to try to solve out the mystery of this world, its past, present and the future, its whys and wherefores, they having been terribly short of direct proofs, everybody tried to solve the problem in his own way. Hence we find the wide differences in the fundamentals of various religious creeds, which sometimes assume very antagonistic and conflicting shapes.All these creeds differ from each other on the fundamental question; and everybody considers himself to be on the right. There lies the misfortune. That was the point at which different religions had started.

As regards the origin of God, my own idea is that having realised the limitation of man, his weaknesses and shortcoming having been taken into consideration, God was brought into imaginary existence to encourage man to face boldly all the trying circumstances, to meet all dangers boldly and to check and restrain his outbursts in prosperity and affluence. God, both with his private laws and parental generosity, was imagined and painted in greater details. He was to serve as a deterrent factor when his fury and private laws were discussed, so that man may not become a danger to society.

So, rules were framed, termed as vedas, upanishads, preachings of Prophet or the Jesus and passed on to the human race so that there would be no untoward problems and all men would live happily everafter...Is it So??

More on these views in the next blog.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm as you said everybody has thier own reasoning of existence of God i too have some...
    Now first of all forget about there is a great power who created this world ,how do you know something is sin or if you do something bad to others it hurts them? what a hurting is ?
    thats a simple answer if you heart and a mind to think you will definatly know ......

    I too had the some questions of re-birth....As it was said that Lord Brahma is the creator and he writes our fortune on our forhead before we are born and in the same way if one do sins in this life the one will definatly have a rebirth of misarable life in next birth otherwise you go to heaven cant even do one deed if its not written on you forehead .....NOW take a person who has a miserable life ,So is you ask him why is your life misearble he may tell you that "papam pratiphalam anubhavistunna " Now take his purvajanma ,If God has created him and written on his forhead(talaraata) to do sins how come he responsible to the result (purva janma sukrutam) .....

    So i asked elders like my grad father grand mother ect but nobody told me exact answer......One day my mom said that God wont write on forehead to do sins but he leaves you in situation where you need to deside between good and bad so it depends upon your thinking ........thats what desides your fate or rebirth etc .....this answer seemed bit satisfying but then my next question arised......... in my next comment...............

