Sunday, May 16, 2010

Spirituality & Sex - II

Spirituality is not the state or quality of being dedicated to God, and not an integral aspect of a religion. It emphasizes complete inner freedom and responsibility of the individual to himself, demanding no superficial behavioral changes, but a deeper, inner transformation. Desires were to be transcended, accepted and surpassed rather than denied. An individual with spiritual outlook is one who is more personalized, less structured, more open to new ideas and more pluralistic than that of the doctrinal faiths of organized religions.

Forced celibacy was not just wrong, it was damaging to the soul of man. It was against man's natural instincts and his essential nature, independent of any religion. In fact a religion should be an art that should show us the way to enjoy life, but the orthodox religions are dead, filled with rituals, oppressing the followers with fears of damnation and the promise of blessings.

Remember that you are not granted life and are not answerable to anyone after your death. One should not be a victim of fear psychosis as is done in all religions, to worship God or fear God to avoid hell, gratify God by practicing rituals, and lead a life that is laid out in some book to go to heaven- to avoid hell. In this way, they had denied and destroyed life. In the name of religion, man was exploited. They made man afraid, made man feel unworthy, made man feel guilty, made man feel that he is just on the verge of hell. All this was done to make you to do what they wanted to and make yourself believe in life after death.

How to make man so afraid? The only way is: condemn life, condemn whatsoever is natural. Condemn sexual intercourse because it is the fundamental of life; condemn food because that is the second fundamental of life; condemn relationship, family, friendship, because that is the third fundamental of life -- and go on condemning. Whatsoever is natural to man, condemn it, say it is wrong: "If you do it you will suffer for it. If you don't do it you will be rewarded. Hell is going to descend on you if you go on living naturally" -- that is the message of the whole past -- "and heaven will be given to you if you go against life." Everyone was fooled by saying that life was ugly and sowed ideas of life after death, by teaching them celibacy and all. On the path of salvation, celibacy is not a prerequisite but a consequence – an effortless by-product. Celibacy is a kind of birth of consciousness and not a moral given, as most sermons would have us believe.

Thus, if you give your life, if you are suicidal, only then God will accept you. If you slowly commit suicide in the senses, in the body, in the mind, in the heart, and you go on destroying yourself, and the more you succeed in destroying yourself, the more you will become beloved to God. One shouldn't drop the idea of sexuality because it is told be a hindrance for entering heaven.

More on these lines in the next post
with some ideas of Osho Rajneesh...

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