Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Idea of Education...

Here comes another view of me regarding the ‘help’ that I had discussed in the previous blog. I made a statement, “Help others in what ever way you can.” So, naturally questions crop in the mind regarding the ways/methods to help others. In this blog, I want to tell my views of helping others by broadly classifying them as…

[1] Education
[2] Emotional/Moral Support
[3] Social help

This blog is dedicated only to education and would write on the remaining two in my consecutive blogs. Education doesn’t me to teach them regarding the latest technologies and know how, but to first make them read and write in any language, in which they are comfortable. Discuss with them one subject at a time in a broader way. Let (or help) them find their own interest. Then according to their interests, guide them in proper directions.

Starting from the age of 4 years, teach the children, the basics of all the subjects like languages, mathematics, science and social studies (both with their 4 constituents). Also include in this duration, ample time (almost equal) for arts, crafts and sports for all round development of the children. Increase the level of difficulty of the subjects in phases over a span of 8-10 years. If they exhibit good performance in arts and sports, discuss the pros and cons of selecting them as their career paths or else suggest them to take it as a hobby or some extra-curricular activity.

If they exhibit greater interest in formal subject, let them find the subjects in which they are weak and strong, so that they can excel choosing one of them as their career starting point. Then, guide them through the particular subject in a broader sense, its constituent branches, the basic education one should have in order to excel in that particular field, available career paths, and the problems and challenges they can face etc. The student should be helped to chalk out a clear cut strategy to enter into the field they are interested in along with a few alternatives in their area of interest. Then, give them ample time to ponder over the various areas and pick up one career so that they can excel in their favourite area.

This would put off the pressure from the students as they study only the subjects they are interested in. Just teach the subjects in the class and counsel the student individually to analyze their areas of interest; there would not be any need of exams, compare and grade them. Also, there wouldn’t be any reason for the parents to scold their children. But, this doesn’t make it full, make them update their general awareness, not only bookish but also that are not bookish. Let me give an example: make the children to do basic activities like bank transactions, railway reservations, buying groceries, traveling etc. Make them an individual who can live independently, that they can do their jobs themselves and take suggestions for perfection now and then. Whets the use of a Master’s degree if one doesn’t know how to book a railway ticket or take a demand draft.

This would make the children do their daily needs independently, with out depending on their parents for each and every thing. For this to be successful, the parents should understand the concept and not spoon feed their children. Let the students decide what is good for them and don’t make their pride rule over their children. Don’t forget that great inventions in the history have come from individuals who excel in their areas of interest and not their parents.The noble man understands what is right. The inferior man understands what is profitable.

"Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well."Even spreading these kinds of ideas is also education.


  1. "Whets the use of a Master’s degree if one doesn’t know how to book a railway ticket or take a demand draft"... i know buddy whom u were referring to :)..

    Regarding the blog, i think this is wht most of the parents miss... they prefer their child to be another mouse in the race. They should let them grow on their interests no matter how weird they may sound.. After all these weird interests are those that can really keep this world moving forward..

    good work my boy.. keep on posting

  2. The real meaning of education was the same as you mentioned when it came in to existence but it is keep on changing as the people do.Now education is nothing but going to school grab some notes byheart it put it back in exams get a degree ,get a job get money thats parent is thinking of what education is ......If you ask a house wife of your moms age why hanent you extended your education ...she says "i dont want to go for a job so i dint" lies the meaning ....

    Now think in parents view every mom and dad want their children to have a better life then theirs ...."better life " starts from better clothes ,better food, better school, better level of education and better job etc.......... so whats missing in their life want them full filled in thiir children's there changes the meaning of education ..if one goat walks in a different way the other follow it regardless of why it is going.Somebody stared it so every body following it.....So they think if thier childern goes to a good school,get best marks ,be top in school so they are in right path regardless of what they learn how they learn what going in to thier mind .they just worry about MARKS.......they dont even think about what a good school is ,if thier friends children get a good marks in one particular school so it is a good school......So by the end they want good marks not Good education.

    By the time the child realises the essence of education it would definatly be the earning or job phase of life,only at that stage one understands what they have studied and what they really want to be till then they just be a rat in a race ..........

    I want your small voice to reach all future moms and dads so that atleast the future kids can enjoy real EDUCATION........rather thinking it a hell!!!!!!!!! Nice work Sridhar ...

  3. As long one compares with others, there would be no essence of true education and the pressure builds on both the parents and children..
